02. Instructor
The instructor for DSC 550-01 for Spring 2024 is Dr Gary Davis, Professor of Mathematics.
Email: gdavis(AT)umassd.edu
Office: Liberal Arts 394E
Website: https://garydavis.sites.umassd.edu
Office hours:
Liberal Arts 394 E
- Monday 1 PM – 2 PM
- Tuesday 1 PM – 3 PM
- Wednesday 1 PM – 2 PM
- Other times by arrangement
I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia.
I was educated (BSc and PhD) at Monash University, Melbourne.
I worked for many years in the Department of Mathematics, La Trobe University, Melbourne.
As a result of my work in mathematics education, I went to the School of Education at the University of Southampton, UK, where I was Professor and Director of the Centre for Mathematics Education.
I then went to Rutgers, NJ, where I was Visiting Professor in the Graduate School of Education and Senior Research Scientist in the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning at Rutgers.
After Rutgers I went to the College of Education at Washington State University, where I was Boeing Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Education.
My research interests are in:
- mathematics education, including statistics education
- data science education
- mathematical & statistical modeling, including:
- analysis of naturalistic data
- spatial data analysis
- analysis of protein-protein interaction networks
- higher order networks