06. Data sources


Analyze Boston

Analyze Boston is the City of Boston’s open data hub to find facts, figures, and maps related to lives within the city. Analyze Boston is working to make this the default technology platform to support the publication of the City’s public information, in the form of data, and to make this information easy to find, access, and use by a broad audience.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC is the leading United States science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health.


Data.gov is the United States government’s open data website. It provides access to datasets published by agencies across the federal government. Data.gov is intended to provide access to government open data to the public, achieve agency missions, drive innovation, fuel economic activity, and uphold the ideals of an open and transparent government.

Human-related biological databases

A collection of human-related biological databases and a mini-review classifying them into different categories according to their data types. See Table 1 in the linked article.