05. Assessment


(1) A major aspect of assessment (20%) for this class is:

  • Being in class every session.
  • Actively participating in class every session. This means:
    • Presenting when asked.
    • Actively listening to presentations of other students
    • Actively asking questions or making suggestions related to other student project presentations.
  • Posting brief weekly progress reports. Each group to email the instructor by Friday of each week: head the email “DSC 550 weekly progress report” and include all members of the group in the progress report.

20% of the total grade for this class will be for the above activities. Most students will obtain this 20% simply by being present and being active each and every class session, and submitting brief progress reports each week to the instructor. If the instructor assesses you as falling behind in this regard they will speak to you and ask you to rectify your less than active participation. 

(2) 15% of the total grade is for a mid-semester oral presentation of progress, of approximately 10-15 minutes. This will be a group presentation with each group member playing an active part in the oral presentation. 

(3) The remaining 65% of the final grade is for production and presentation of a 20-30 minute video, or a conference style poster, or both, detailing a group’s work on their capstone project. 

The final product – video or poster – is due on or before, but no later than, Monday April 28, 2025. 

Examples of data science capstone project videos: